Han Solo Fan Fiction Adventure Game in the Works


With a teeny-weeny luck, Han Alone leave union Sam and Goop, Indiana Jones, and Guybrush Threepwood as an adventure secret plan hero.

A one-man band is developing a fan fable SCUMM-titled jeopardize halt adjusted on Han Solo. Stacy Davidson has e'er had a beef cattle with LucasArts for never creating a SCUMM title based in the Star Wars cosmos, and Han Solo Adventures is his response. He is creating the game with Adventure Game Studio, a free adventure game creation tool.

Though the safety of the project worries me (a cease and desist is hopefully not on the horizon), Davidson seems to be doing everything he can to stave off LucasArts' legal team. The game will be freeware, and Davidson points out on the game's website that seeking profit from sales of the title could be considered a "federal offense."

This brings up an interesting scenario: Is sports fan-fiction in videogame make any different than sports fan-fabrication in text? There are plenty of Star Wars sports fan fiction websites out there that are allowed to exist, thusly shouldn't Davidson's game tend the same freedom as well? I seriously doubt that a Star Wars adventure game will of all time be made by LucasArts, but that doesn't mean it (or another corporate entity) won't strain to shut the project down. I certainly hope not, because the gamey looks pretty neat.

Via: GameSetWatch


Source: https://www.escapistmagazine.com/han-solo-fan-fiction-adventure-game-in-the-works/

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