Funny Scottish Impression in a Corner Store

THIS is the moment a "crazy Scotsman" wearing a tartan hat and ginger wig goes ballistic because an English shop doesn't sell Irn-Bru.

English comedian ManlikeHaks - real name Hakan Hassan - can be seen unleashing his alter-ego on unsuspecting shoppers after being challenged by his mates.

 ManlikeHaks' hilarious 'crazy Scotsman' goes wild when shops don't have Irn Bru


ManlikeHaks' hilarious 'crazy Scotsman' goes wild when shops don't have Irn Bru

Hakan is reaching to the top shelf in a grocery store when his comic pal Kevin Freshwater asks him if he thinks the shop sells Irn-Bru.

Looking confused, he replies: "Why would you ask me if they do Irn-Bru?"

Kevin then waves a See You Jimmy Hat at Hakan and asks: "What would the crazy Scotsman do if they didn't have any Irn-Bru?"

Hakan starts to pull on the tartan hat and says "I hate you" to his laughing pal - before snapping straight into character.

 Hakan is casually going about his shopping when his pal challenges him with a See You Jimmy Hat


Hakan is casually going about his shopping when his pal challenges him with a See You Jimmy Hat

 Within seconds, the crazy Scotsman is terrorising the shop staff and customers


Within seconds, the crazy Scotsman is terrorising the shop staff and customers

His raging cross-eyed Scottish persona shouts "no Irn-Bru?!" before storming to the fridge and checking for himself.

When he sees there's no ginger in the store, he turns and rants to the shop staff.

Hakan - in an impressive Glasgow accent - screams: "How the hell have you not got the Irn-Bru, lads?!"

Staff can't hold back the laughter as he then shadow boxes with a customer before falling to the floor and running in circles saying: "I swear to god, I'll go crazy!"

 The crazy Scotsman just wants to see Irn-Bru in English shops


The crazy Scotsman just wants to see Irn-Bru in English shops Credit: RUSSELL CHEYNE

 Hakan's alter-ego also rages about the price of a Freddo


Hakan's alter-ego also rages about the price of a Freddo

 The crazy Scotsman charges about shops looking for a bottle of ginger


The crazy Scotsman charges about shops looking for a bottle of ginger

He charges outside and picks up a cucumber and threatening staff with the vegetable before leaving.

Hakan, from Essex, is an actor, comedian and impressionist with more than 140,000 followers on Instagram - where he regularly posts clips from his hilarious videos.

The crazy Scotsman was the brainchild of Kevin and is one of Hakan's many different alter-egos, which the YouTube star changes between with ease.

In one video, he sits on a hill talking to a group of goats as his varied personas - including Indian, American, and Essex girl - before turning on the crazy Scotsman and chasing the goats away down the hill.

The pair - who only recently started collaborating - have promised more of the crazy Scotsman in the coming weeks.

In another clip, it's not Irn Bru getting the crazy Scotsman angry but the ever-increasing price of a Freddo.

Kevin holds up one of the chocolate bars, reminiscing about when they cost just 10p and waving the hat in front of him again.

The transformed comedian launches into an expletive-ridden rant about the sweet treat.

He bellows: "Ya wee b*****d Freddo!

"How can you charge 25p for that crap?

 The crazy Scotsman finally finds what he's looking for and piles it into his trolley


The crazy Scotsman finally finds what he's looking for and piles it into his trolley

 He flies through the shop telling customers to make sure they get some discounted Irn-Bru


He flies through the shop telling customers to make sure they get some discounted Irn-Bru

"Have you grown now? Do you have a mortgage and two kids, ya s******g?!"

Haks then offers to take laughing customers a square go as he continues his rant.

But the crazy Scotsman finally finds what he's looking for after a trip to another store.

Kevin makes the discovery of an aisle filled with discounted Irn-Bru and points it out to Haks.

The crazy Scotsman returns saying: "Seventy pence off Irn-Bru? Are you crazy, guys?!"

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He then chucks crates of cans into his shopping trolley then piles two-litre bottles on top.

All the while he shouts: "I'm taking all of it! All of this is mine."

He then scoots round the shop with his trolley, telling anyone who will listen that they should pick up some of the discounted ginger.

AG Barr's hilarious 2012 'Fanny' ad campaign for Irn-Bru that raked in dozens of complaints

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